It is perfect meal for evenings. It goes with almost every side and you can even eat it alone and it is very easy to prepare as well.
- 600 gram lamb cutlets
- Butter
-Fresh Thyme
-Garlic cloves
- Canola oil
Pre heat the pan and add your canola oil when oil starts to smoke out from your pan put your lambs inside 2.5 minutes each side with the high heat pan make sure you salted and peppered your lamb before. Now this high heat cooking must be fast. So make sure as soon as oil start to smoke put your lambs and do not keep it more than 2.5 min. When each side is done , put the heat down less then middle level heat. Add your butter. Crush your garlic cloves and add inside and then put your fresh thyme. When you change the side of lamb put the cloves and thymes on your lambs and put the melted butter on your lambs with a spoon as well. Do not forget , we will not cook for long time unless you want well-done. Check your lamb whit touching your finger. It needs to remain soft for medium rare. Do not let your meat get hard. Take your meat out of pan and rest it for 10 min. before serving.